Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tough Morning

written March 25, 2007

This morning was a little tough. I went to the market with my host sister to buy vegetables, and a lot of people were staring at me and calling me Toubab in a less-than-friendly way. I am getting so sick of being called that. Then some beggar boys came over asking for money. When my host sister told them to go away, they pinched me on the arm before running away. That really upset me. I just don't understand why some people are so unfriendly or why it seems to be more or less acceptable to treat foreigners like that. I would never dream of treating someone like that in the US.

I'm planning to meet up with some other volunteers this afternoon. Hopefully that will put me in a better mood.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Love reading your blog! It's very interesting.
"Toubab" is this how they call white people in Senegal? I was in Tanzania, and there people use a word "Mzungu" :)

Take care now! Cheers!