Sunday, January 31, 2010

Two weeks

Only two weeks left of language training!  And then, if I pass my exam (inshallah, knock on wood!) the countdown begins for moving to Nairobi.  Although I'm not exactly sure how long the countdown will be, and if it will be left up to me or if a date will be imposed on me by the Powers That Be.  Also I still have no idea what I will be doing in the month (or two?) between the end of language training and time to move.  I need to spend it doing a "rotation" in one of the offices at USAID, but I haven't gotten anything organized yet.  So knock on wood for figuring that out too.

In other news, it was getting really nice and warm last week, and I was starting to hope that spring would come early (it may be that I am not entirely opposed to this whole climate change thing), but then Friday it got super cold again and yesterday it snowed.  Poo.  I am really hoping I get to see the cherry blossoms before I leave DC again...