Monday, July 05, 2010

Hawkers' Market

This morning a colleague (new friend?) took me to Hawkers' Market, which is a big outdoor/covered market with lots of individual vendors selling vegetables, fruits, etc, just like I was used to shopping at in Senegal.  It made me so happy, especially as I'd been feeling weirded out by how patron/expat-y my life here is so far.  The market wasn't crowded at all, and was a lot more laid-back than they ever were in Senegal, so that was nice, but my colleague said it was just because we went early on a Monday.  So we'll see what it's like next time (and maybe I will take some pictures).  But in any case, I'm much happier having found that place.  Now I just need to find a special favorite vegetable lady like I had in Senegal.