Sunday, April 29, 2007

Going to Dakar

Tomorrow all of us Peace Corps trainees are going to Dakar for the day to visit the embassy and Peace Corps office there, mainly to do boring administrative stuff. I am very excited to go though, both to see Dakar for the first time (driving from the airport at 5 am the very first day in Senegal doesn't count because I fell asleep on the bus) and... because they are going to feed us pizza! It's so nice to have some American food once in a while, even if it isn't quite American...

Today I had lunch at a restaurant with some other trainees, and I ordered a hamburger. I haven't had a hamburger since leaving the US. And discovered that Senegalese hamburgers are made of: a pretty standard hamburger bun, a ground beef patty, ketchup... topped with a fried egg and french fries! Weird, but pretty tasty. (Course, my tastiness standards are pretty low and include just about anything that isn't fish, so if you try making a Senegalese hamburger at home and it's awful, don't blame me!).


Unknown said...

Fried egg on a burger? Brilliant. Why not put fried eggs on fish, might make it easier to eat? I hope everything is going great over there and nice pics becca!