Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A Senegalese day

written Sunday, April 1, 2007, 7:00 pm

I have had a very nice Senegalese-tempo day today. I was afraid I'd be bored with nothing planned to do today, but it's actually been really nice.

After breakfast (baguette with nutella and kinkelibe tea, which is amazing and tastes like chai), I went for a walk around town with another volunteer who lives near me, just to get a better idea of where things are and how to get around here. After walking around for about two hours, including figuring out how to get to the Peace Corps center from where I live, we went home and took naps. In the early afternoon we had lunch - my first time eating yassa, which is chicken curry with rice and is really good - and then we spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with the family, learning how to make attaya tea and mango jelly (both yum). Then a quick trip to the "cyber" to read emails, my daily bucket bath shower (oh how I miss real showers!), and now it's more relaxing time until dinner at 9:00 and then bed.

I think I could get used to this kind of life.